Ready To Screen Print? How To Get The Results You Want

If you want to start screen printing your own clothes for you or for your business, make sure you get the process right. Mistakes during the screen printing process can leave you with less-than-desirable results. In fact, mistakes can destroy the material you're trying to screen print. Luckily, learning the right techniques isn't difficult. In fact, with a few simple steps, you'll receive flawless results for your screen printing projects. Here are four steps to help get you started on your way to perfect screen printing results. 

Start With Prep Work

If you want to ensure flawless results for your screen printing projects, you need to start with the surface. To do that, it's important to prep the surface prior to beginning your screen printing. First, make sure the surface is clean and lint-free. Next, make sure you have a high-resolution print to work with. Finally, match the print with the right screen. These steps will help to ensure a clear screen print. 

Go Easy On The Ink

If you're new to screen printing, you'll want to go easy on the ink. Many first-time screen printers tend to go heavy on the ink. Unfortunately, too much ink can undermine the quality of your screen print. That's why it's important that you monitor the use of your ink. This is especially important when your project only involves a few pieces. If you'll only be screen printing a few pieces, consider reducing the amount of ink to a couple of teaspoons. Larger projects may require additional ink, so measure accordingly. 

Keep The Press Locked

If you've never screen printed before, you may not know how to work with the screen presses, especially where stability is concerned. Unfortunately, if the press isn't secured tightly enough, the screen may come loose, leading to shifting and jerking. If that happens, the image might be blurred or smudged. If you don't have a locking screen press, have someone hold the press secure while you print. 

Always Do One Test Print

Finally, if you want to ensure quality results, make sure you start with a test print. Conducting a test print will allow you to make any adjustments that might be needed. This is an especially important step if you're working with different types of fabric, or if you're not sure about the quality of the print image you plan to use. 

For more information, contact a screen printing service.
