Tips for Wearing Polo Shirts During the Summer

When you think about the best shirts to wear during the summer, you might usually think about T-shirts. However, if you would like to dress things up a little bit, you might be thinking about adding some polo shirts to your summer wardrobe. These tips can help.

Choose the Right Material

You'll want to stay nice and cool when you're rocking your polo shirts this summer, so make sure that you buy shirts that are made from the right material. You'll probably want to avoid heavier materials; instead, opt for light, breezy fabrics. You can even purchase polo shirts with technology that is designed to cause them to dry more quickly. You might find that this is handy on really hot days since it can whisk away sweat quickly, allowing you to stay more comfortable and confident.

Pair With Shorts

Don't assume that you have to wear a polo shirt with khaki pants or nice jeans. You can actually pair a polo shirt with a nice pair of shorts too. Just opt for a more tailored pair of shorts, and wear the right pair of shoes. Then, you might find that your comfortable summer outfit will be surprisingly dressy and perfect for a night out on the town.

Choose the Right Colors

When purchasing polo shirts to wear in warmer weather, you'll want to pick the right colors. You'll probably want to stay away from darker colors since they might cause you to be more hot and uncomfortable and since they are often associated with fall and winter wear. During the spring, opt for nice polos is pretty pastel colors. During the summer, you can look for polo shirts in bright, summery colors like blue and green. Then, you will probably feel as if your outfit looks seasonally appropriate.

Wear the Right Shoes

You have lots of options for shoes to wear with your polo shirts during the summer, depending on the shorts or pants that you are wearing. A pair of loafers or boat shoes should pair nicely with your shorts and polo shirts. If you like sandals, then you might find that a dressier pair of sandals will work well. For a more casual look, such as if you're heading to the pool or beach, consider wearing a polo in a breezy color with shorts and a pair of flip flops, such as a pair of high-quality leather flip flops.

If you want to add polo shirts to your wardrobe, contact a supplier of unisex dri fit polo collared shirts wholesale.
