Tips for Using Predator Bait for the First Time

If you are thinking about using predator bait as part of your hunting technique, you are not alone. Many people turn to predator bait as an option for improving their chances of becoming successful during an outing.

1. Understand Bait

Bait is often made of materials that can be found in almost any butcher shop. Many baits use meat scraps, hides, bones, and other materials. The type of meat used also varies. In fact, some bait is even made from felines, deer, and rabbits. You might use different types of baits to attract different types of animals. You need to understand your target and the bait you are using to be most effective.

2. Hunt Downwind

When you hunt, you never want to be upwind of your bait. The bait needs to speak, or smell, for itself. You do not want your smells to get caught up in the smells of the bait. You could be sabotaging yourself if you don't pay attention to what initially seems to be a small detail.

Your position can become complicated. After all, you need to be far enough away from the bait to take a solid shot, but you also need to avoid interfering with the bait. You may need to take extra time to carefully consider your shot,  the size of your target, and more.

3. Provide Bait Cover

Another part of keeping your bait hidden is to provide some cover. Predators respond better to bait when it is not completely out in the open. Obscure it a bit and make sure that a predator cannot simply walk right up to the bait and take it elsewhere.

4. Avoid Baiting Pets

When you use bait, it is always wise to do so away from popular trails and homes. Otherwise, you might accidentally bait somebody's pet dog or cat, which can result in tragedy or frustration. Bait can be useful, but you must consider your general hunting location first.

5. Consult Those Knowledgeable About Bait Options

You have a lot of options for predator bait, so how do you know what kind works best for your situation? You can simplify the process by talking to somebody with knowledge of predator bait. Could cat meat bait be the right option? What about venison? You have many choices.

Are you new to using bait? These are a few things you need to know about using bait when you hunt. Learn more by contacting Weiser Western lures cat meat predator bait bucket suppliers. 
