Why You Should Go For The Custom One Piece Swimsuit

Swimsuits are a part of a woman's clothing that they either love or hate, for a number of reasons. Some women prefer to wear a two-piece, and other women much prefer a one-piece. Regardless of your choice of style for swimsuits, there are options on the market for a custom one piece swimsuit which a lot of women find to be a great way to personalize their look. Here are a few reasons why women prefer to wear a one piece instead of a bikini when out on the lake or swimming in the pool. 

Added Confidence

Women who have had children might not feel as confident in a two-piece due to the stretching of skin in the childbearing process. When you have a one piece, you can walk (or swim) around with more confidence, knowing your stretch marks and loose skin is covered. If a woman feels better in a one piece, then she will look better because of the added confidence she feels! If you are looking to turn heads, there are ways to make your personalized one piece swimsuit do just that by adding fun text or a nice print. 

Don't Need a Change of Clothes

If you are out on the lake and need to run into a store for a few quick items, you can use your custom one piece swimsuit as a shirt, since it covers your entire mid-section. Most of the time, the best option to make your swimsuit appear as an outfit is to just wear it with shorts or a skirt, but there are options to dress it up even more with jeans for a nice night out. By having your swimsuit double as a top, you will save the amount of clothing you have to take with you for the day.

One Piece

Your swimsuit is literally one piece, so you will not have to worry about losing part of your suit when you go for the cannonball or jump off the edge of the cliff into the water. Wearing a personalized one piece swimsuit is a great way to not have to keep up with two parts of your outdoor outfit, because you have just the one part to keep track of. When digging through your drawers after the long winter months, this is a great benefit of choosing a one piece suit. 

Covers More Skin

Chances are you will be wearing your swimsuit out in the sun, and sun protection is something you need to keep at the front of your mind when long exposure is in your day's plans. By wearing a custom one piece swimsuit, you will have a suit that is unique to only you so matching your best friend is not an option, but you will also have more of your skin covered and protected from potentially damaging UV rays. 
