Why Is Motivational Apparel So Popular?

You've seen it. It is everywhere. T-shirts, hats and workout gear proudly display motivational phrases loudly across the front. The popularity of motivational apparel is definitely on the rise and it isn't likely to go anywhere. Even if you don't own any, you may be drawn to the messages other people wear. So why is this trend so popular?

1. It makes a statement. People wear it to make a statement about themselves and what they believe in.

2. It is fun. Some motivational apparel is humorous and can make people laugh. Even if it isn't funny, it can still be just plain fun to wear.

3. The message allows people to relate to others. Have you ever seen a person wearing a shirt and thought "Oh, wow! That is totally me!" Any type of apparel with a message on it allows other people to find common ground and relate to their friends and even strangers.

4. It's a conversation starter. Your message might act as an ice-breaker and open up conversations with those you come in contact with.

5. Motivational apparel can be fashionable. Sometimes the clothes you wear are just a fashion choice. 

6. This type of clothing has the potential to show others the type of person you are. What you wear says a lot about who you are. This is especially true if what you are wearing literally sends a message!

7. It's easy to acquire. Clothing with messages on it has become popular, so more brands are selling it. Also, with the rise of technology and machines that make it easy to screen print and cut vinyl, people are starting to create their own apparel. Even if you can't find clothing with your preferred message on it, chances are you can find someone to make it for you.

8. Motivational clothing can give hope to others. The message you display can actually give other people hope. It spreads an inspirational message that reaches everyone you see.

9. It reminds you of a message you believe in, but need to hear often. This type of clothing can help you, too. Often people wear items like this to remind themselves of the message that is displayed.

10. There is a science behind it. There is actual science behind motivational quotes. Science shows that reading or hearing inspirational messages implicitly coach people into bettering themselves. The language, phrasing, and details of the wording make motivational messages powerful and attractive to people.

There are many reasons to shop motivational apparel, from making a statement to giving hope to yourself and others. Embrace this trend, and wear your own motivational message.
